Jerema Jacobs of the 6th Maryland Regiment, One hundred and
fifty Pounds the Allowance made by the General Assembly to
each of such Officers
That the said Treasurer pay to Simon Ratalack, Twenty
Pounds two shillings and six Pence to be delivered over to
Robert Ridge per Acct passed by A. Gl
That the said Treasurer pay to George Piercy Twenty
Pounds, ten shillings per Acct passed by the Prinl Ch to the
Aud. Gl
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Colo Benjamin
Ford of the 6th Regiment one pair Shoes
Saturday 23rd January 1779
Present as on yesterday
Permission is given to David Stewart of this State to go
out of the same in any Vessel in Potowmack River bound to
France or Spain
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Com-
modore Thomas Grason, Forty one Pounds, for the use of
Joseph Middleton, Fifty Pounds for the use of Thomas
Calvert and One hundred and sixty Pounds four shill-
ings and three pence for the use of the Officers and Men
belonging to the Dolphin per Accounts passed by the Prinl
Ch to the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Alexander Contee Hanson
Esqr Two hundred and thirty four Pounds, seven shillings &
six Pence per Acct passed by the Prinl Ch to the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Lieut Col. Benjamin Ford
of the 6th Regimt One hundred and fifty Pounds due him by
Resolve of the General Assembly
Whereas it appears to this Board by the Oath of a Credible
Witness that the Revd John Montgomery hath lately been in
New York a City in the Possession of the Enemy contrary to
the Act of Assembly in such Case made and Provided. You
are therefore hereby required to arrest the said John Mont-
gomery and him bring before this Board or before some
Judge or Justice that he may be dealt with for the said
Offence according to Law and for your so doing this shall be
your sufficient Warrant & Authority
To the Sheriff of Ann Arundel County
Monday 25 January 1779
Present as on Saturday Thomas Sim Lee Esqr Attended
Ordered that the Eastern shore Treasurer pay to Francis