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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 263   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland, 1778-1779. 263

[Council to Delegates in Congress.]

In Council Annapolis 10th Decr 1778.
We, by this Post inclose to Congress the Resolutions of the
Assembly with Respect to our Gallies going on the Expedition
to the Southward; the Independence and Baltimore are
destined for that Service and we are directed to Man them,
including the Men already belonging to them. We have
constantly endeavored to get our Gallies manned but with so
little Success that whenever we send two of them down the
Bay, we have been obliged to strip the others and to send a
Number of our Matrosses; nor do we expect the Additional
Encouragement offered will have the desired Effect; wherefore
we have desired the Congress if they can, to send down the
deficient Number of Men. If the Expedition is still an Object,
we shall do all we can to procure the Men and push the
Business forward; but we cannot but express our Apprehen-
sion that these Vessels are not safe for the Voyage at this
season and we are sure that Measures ought to be well con-
certed for a regular supply of Provisions if they reach their
Destination, for they will not carry Provisions for more than

C. C.

two Months, if so long, for their proper Compliment, which
ought to be, for each 80 Men, at the least. We hope to be
advised immediately of the Sentiments of Congress on the
Subject that we may act in Conformity to them as far as
and are Gent &ca
The Delegates in Congress
from Maryland

[Council to Gov. Henry.]

In Council Annapolis 10th Decr 1778.
We inclose you a Copy of the Resolutions of our Assembly,
agreeable to a Requisition contained in them. One of the
Gallies destined for the Expedition carries 2-18 Pounders, 2
Twelves; 2 sixes & 4 fours; the other 2 Eighteens & 14 fours
they have together about 50 Men and ought to have, at least
160. Fearing the Encouragement offered by the Assembly
may not have the desired Effect, we have requested Congress,
if they have Men who can be turned over to this Service,
to send the deficient Number. It is much our Wish that your
Gallies and ours could proceed in Company to Charles Town,
but unless Congress can assist in manning ours, we think
there's little Chance of it.

p. 209

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 263   View pdf image (33K)
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