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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 261   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland, 1778-1779. 261

[Council to J. Bolton.]

In Council Annapolis 8th Decr 1778.
We received yours of the 28th Novemr and 4th Inst We
would have you engage without Delay at £10 a Hundred for
good Pork. We send to Rock Hall, from whence we hope
you can easily get them, four Barrels of excellent Salt. We
have Stuff to make Barrels, but have not been able to get
workmen yet; we would have no Delay for your or our Diffi-
culties on that Account, get the Pork salted well away in Bulk
and, if you cannot get furnished with proper Barrels, we'll
send our own Boats and remove it loose.
Be so obliging as to write us from Time to Time, the
Quantity you have and what you expect.
We are &ca
Mr John Bolton.

[Council to E. Hindman.]

In Council Annapolis 8th Decr 1778.
Mr Joshua Clark has sent us a verbal Message that he drew
out of the Treasury a Sum of Money to carry on a Public Salt
Petre Work which he was desirous of returning again, but
that the Treasurer thought it improper for him to receive it
without particular Directions for that Purpose; we wish you
to receive that or any other Money offered, giving a Receipt
mentioning, in Instances like this, the Account on which the
Party desires it to be received, and that you have therefore
received it, subject to the Approbation of the General
Edward Hindman Esqr We are &ca
Treasr of the E. Shore

C. C.

p. 206

Wednesday 9 December 1778.

Present as on yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Jesse
Bussey One hundred and ninty one Pounds, ten Shillings for
the Use of Benjamin Amos per Account passed by the Prinl
Cl. to the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Richard Mason seventy four
Pounds five Shillings for the use of Benjamin Silvester per
Acct passed by Aud. Gl
That the said Treasurer pay to Reubin Merriwether Nine

C. B.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 261   View pdf image (33K)
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