Tuesday 24 November 1778
Present as on yesterday except James Hindman Esquire
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Alexander
Contee Hanson Esquire five hundred and twenty pounds six-
teen shillings and Eight pence due him per Account passed
by the Aud Genl
By the Advice and Consent of the Council Pardon was
granted to Negroe Joe Slave of Perry Perrott of Talbot
County for attempting to commit a Rape upon Catharine
Sewall of same County
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer Pay to Allen
Quynn Ten Pounds three shillings and Eight pence for the
use of Thomas Deale's Excrs per Account passed by the Aud.
Wednesday 25 November 1778
Present as on Yesterday
Mr Chase from the House of Delegates deliver to His Ex-
cellency the following Resolution
By the House of Delegates November 24. 1778
Resolved that the Governor and Council be impowered to
lend the Owners of the Ship Buckskin the five nine Pounders
belonging to this State now lying at the Indian Landing upon
their engaging to return the same in good Order or in case
of Loss or Damage to pay such Sum of Money as the same
shall be estimated at by Persons to be estimated by the
Governor and Council for that purpose or to return nine
Pounders equally as good and substantial as those lent at the
Option of the Governor and Council
Signed p Order I Duckett Cl.
indorsed by the Senate Novem. 24. 1778 Read & absented to
By order R. Ridgely Cl. S.
The Governor and Council having lent the above men-
tioned five Nine Pounders according to the above Resolution
of the General Assembly and under the Condition above
expressed We the owners of the above mentioned Ship