240 Journal and Correspondence
C. B.
Commissions of Letters of Marque & Reprisal issued to
Benjamin Bradhurst Commander of the Brig Betsey mounting
2 Carriage Guns, 3 Swivels 8 Howitzs and 1 Muskett, Burthen
70 Tons, belonging to Wm Pollard & others Balto and also to
James Belt, Commander of the Schooner Montgomery mount-
ing 2 Carriage Guns, 4 Swivels & 6 small Arms burthen 25
Tons belonging to Wallace Davidson & Johnson.
Wednesday 18 November 1778
Present as on yesterday except Edward Lloyd Esqr
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Willm Bond
One hundred and twenty three Pounds three shillings & two
pence per Accf passed by Aud. Gl
C. C.
p. 203
[Council to Grason.]
In Council Annapolis 17th Novr 1778
The Brig Betsey, Capt Bradhurst loaded in the Eastern Bay
is about sailing, we are desirous of having her searched before
she sails and request you'll order one of the Gallies over for
that Purpose; if she has no Grain, Flour or Provisions of any
Kind but her Stores expressed in the Naval Officers Bill,
you'll direct the Officer to deliver the Captain the inclosed
Commission which we now send you and you will deliver to
the Officer who goes on this Service for the Purpose and to
prevent any unnecessary Delay to the Vessel. If the Vessel
has been lading Provisions contrary to Law, you'll direct that
she be brought hither. If more convenient, send an Officer
in one of the Boats on this Business.
We are &ca
Commodore Grason.
p. 204
[Council to Capt Campbell.]
In Council 17th Novr 1778
We are informed that there is a Quanity of Fodder lodged
in Mr Maccubbin's House, used as a Barrack, and that the
Soldiers have cut away several of the Posts and Stands of the
We desire you'll go to the Barracks in Person, have the
Fodder, if any there, instantly removed and Measures taken to
prevent any Destruction of the Houses
We are &ca
Capt Campbell.