[J. Henry Jr to Gov. Johnson.]
In Congress Oct. the 21th 1778
Dear Sir
I have this moment received from the President of Congress,
the inclosed Copy of a Confession of a pilot on board the Flag
Ship that was cast away on the Jersey Shore.
I gave you yesterday the best intelligence we have respect-
ing the motions of the Enemy. I believe we may rest assured
that Boston is the object of their destination.
I shall continue to give you the earliest account we have.
I am Sir with great respect
Your most obdt and hble
Servt J. Henry.
[Declaration of Whiltbank.]
Abraham Whiltbank of Lewistown Pilot, says —
That in consequence of an application from the Refugees
on New York, Long Island and Staten Island to have Arms
put into their hands, an Association Paper was opened at each
of those places which 700 Persons had signed when he left
New York on the 8th Octr and it was expected they could
procure 3000, as they were confident that a sufficient number
would associate in a very short time to enable them to compel
the rest who might have objections.
They propose
To land somewhere to the Southward (Fenwicks' Island had
been mentioned but I think from the beating of the surf they
will be obliged to go more southerly) from whence they are
to proceed up the Eastern shore, and so thro' the Countries of
Newcastle Kent and Sussex on Delaware where they expect
to be joined by a very considerable number of the inhabitants.
If they should not be able to make a Land, the ships will be
ready to take them off again. One of their principal objects
in this expedition is to get possession of property as a repara-
tion for the losses they have suffered by their attachment to