Thursday 15 October 1778
Present as on Yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to William
Hanson McPherson Eight Pounds ten Shillings for the use of
Thomas Spalding per Acct Passed by the Aud. Genl
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Capt. Brown of
the Artillery a Suit with Trimmings and a Waistcoat for a
Soldier in his Compy to be chd to him.
Friday 16th October 1778
Present as on Yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Philip
Fenwick six Pounds eighteen shillings & six Pence for the use
of Enoch Fenwick and five Pounds ninteen shillings and
Eleven Pence for the use of William Rapeir and his Compy
per Accts passed
Commissions of Letter of Marque & Reprisal issued to
William Thomas Commander of the Schooner Molly 60 Tons
burthen mounting 6 Carriage Guns four Swivels and 16 small
Arms navigated by 10 Men belonging to Archibald Patison
and Compy of Dorchester County — and also to William Bowin
Commander of the Schooner Swallow 30 Tons burthen
mounting 4 Howitz 4 Swivels & 6 small Arms navigated by
12 men belonging to Saml & Robt Purviance & Young &
Knox Baltoo