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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1694 97. 1 85
Novembr 17th 1694. Lib. H. D.
Came the within named Elizabeth Blackiston and made p. 108 Oath that the within is a true Accot and that she never Im bezelled any of the paprs of her decd husband Relating to the publick Revenue of this Province, And that no person had ever any thing to do with any such paprs since his decease save Mr Tench, Mr LLewellin Mr Lynes and Mr Carss. Sworn to before his Exncy the day & year abovesd in presence of the Honoble Edward Randolph Esqr Depty Auditor & George Plater Esqr Receiver & Attorney Generall. Hen: Denton C of Concil
The following Paper was delivered me by his to Enter in the Journall of this Board, Vizt
Mr Chesel- Of the Bills of Exchange that I had delivered to dyns Cert of what Bills by Majr King he had to his own Use, only
of Excha Twenty three pounds. Majr Kinmade Use off Novembr 16th 1694 Kenelm Cheseldyn
At the City of St Maries in the Councill Chamber, November 19th 1694. Mett
His Exncy ffrancis Nicholson Esqr
Thomas Tench Esqr The Honoble Edward Randolph Esqr
The Honoble Edward Randolph Esqr Surveyor Order'd to Genll of their Majesties Customs &ca acquainting inquire abt his Exncy with his designe of going shortly to New
Charg'd by York, his Exncy therevpon was pleased to give his Mr fforster directions for the said Mr Randolphs inquiring into
for Arms &ca sent to Mr Miles fforsters Charge to the late Governor Governr Copley about Arms & Amunition shipped by the said fforster in New York, in and vpon the Sloope &cacalled the Johannis, John Trevet, Master Coppy of which Charge attested by his Exncy and Originall Bill of loading signed by said Trevet he the said Mr Randolph Received from p. 109 his Excellency for the said End & purpose; Ordered that the said Mr Randolph make inquiry (pursuant to former Order of his Exncy of the 9th of October last past) whether the Custom Charged by Mr fforster to Governor Copleys Accot should not vide Mrbe Refunded being the Kings Stores; And that as Milesto the Eight Barrells of fine powder remaining still
Accot vpon in the said Mr fforsters hands, the said Mr Randolph the other is likewise Ordered to take care when he comes to sideNew York, for to get the same shipped hither, if he
Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1694 97. 1 85
meets with a convenient oportunity to do the same at an easy
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