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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 570   View pdf image (33K)
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570 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.

L. H. J.

Post Merediem, House mett.
The houses address to his Excy for enlarging the County
Commissions and Mr Sharps petition sent to his Excy and his
Matys honble Councill. by Capt Hoskins and Major Barton.
House adjourned till six of the Clock to Morrow Morning.

p. 139

Tuesday June the second 1697.

House mett, and read over what was done yesterday.
Ordered, Mr Robt Mason Treasurer of the Western Shore
pay unto Mr Jno Perry 50l Sterl: for his Sallary as post this
A Bill Impowering the Commissioners of the County Courts
to purchase Lands for Court houses, read the second tyme and
comitteed for Amendmt Viz: a salvo for Dorchester County.
An additionall Bill for the recovery of Small debts, read the
second tyme and passed.
A Bill for the naturalization of Stephen Francis and George
Slacombe read the second tyme and passed.
Proposed by his Excy to this house that a Law be made for
the Justices of the provinciall and County Courts to read over
yesterdays minutes every morning, and at the beginning of
every Court to Examine whether the last courts Records are
made up or not.
Resolved that such bill be prepared.
House adjourned untill two of the clock.

post merediem, house mett.
And it being sygnifyed to them that his Excy required them
to come up and again Conferr with his Excy and his Majtys
honble Councill, where being admitted.
The Gentlemen appointed yesterday to draw up proposalls
in order to a Treaty with the Indians present the following
reporte vizt

June the first 1697.

Att a Comittee by appointment of the Governour, Councill
and house of Burgesses composed of the Councill and Bur-
gesses for considering the Indians affair and making proposalls
what may be most proper measures to be taking for Quieting
their feares and secureing the province &c.

Present of the Councill Burgesses.
Col. Addison Major Smallwood Mr Wm Hatton
Col. Courts Mr Hawkins Mr Wm Hutchison
Mr Thos Brooke Mr Hoskins Mr Wm Barton
Mr Dent Colonel Beall.

Colonel Addison chosen chairman of the comittee Chr
Gregory Clke:

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 570   View pdf image (33K)
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