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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 569   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 59

to my people to see their worke and what they had done, I
was scarce sooner come out and talking with some of my
people but we heard one of my negroes cry out, we all run
out to see what the matter till I came to see about ten

L. H. J.

Indians naked not painted coming out of a branch running
towards us, upon which I turned about and desired my people
to make haste to the house, some tymes afterwards we found
the negroe alive, who lived four dayes, I asked him if he knew
any of the Indians, I asked him How many Indians he saw
he told me three which he said were lodged in the lapp of a
tree from whence he was Toting fence Railes, and as he was
stooping to take up a Raile they shott him in at the back with
an arrow and afterwards run up to him and knocked him
downe, what they did else to him after knocking him downe
fleaing his head and cutting off one of his Earrs he was not
sensible. Since that time having been on board some shipps
att the mouth of Petuxent at my returne my wife informed me
that four of those Indians that formerly had traded with me,
had been at my house with Each a burthen of Skins and
would not be satisfied till they gott a man to come to the
Western Branch of petuxent to Looke for me, upon which she
went up to them and finding that Capt Brightwall had seen
and discoursed them, that then she bought what they offered
to saile p me James Stoddert.

Mr Joseph Chew appearing here saith that an Indian that
hunted for him, told him that in the Spring tyme some mis-
chiefe would be done at James Stodderts plantation therefore
he would live with him.
Capt Brightwell appearing in the house, saith that he and
his men keep constantly out a ranging, and that they have
enforted themselves therefore desires that he may have some
small quantity of powder and Ball 2 picke axes, two spades
and two shovels with some fusses and Granadoes.
The said Capt Brightwell is cautioned to keep his men out
a Ranging and not to let them come to the Inhabitants.
Resolved that the Indians objections be answered and some
proposalls made them, and that Col: Addison, Col: Courts,
Esq. Brookes, Col: Beale, Major Smallwood, Major Barton,
Mr Hutchison, Mr Hawkins, Capt Hoskins, Mr Dent, and Mr
Hatton be appointed this Evening to draw up proposalls in
Order to a treaty with them.
Mr Speaker and the rest of the members take their leaves
and returne to the house.
House adjourned till two of the Clock.

p. 138

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 569   View pdf image (33K)
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