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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 558   View pdf image (33K)
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558 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.

L. H. J.

Post Merediem. House mett. And proceeded to Resolve
upon the proposalls from his Excy the Governour as followeth.

1. And resolved that as to the first proposall relating to
the Indians that the same be referred till Major William
Barton appeare in the house
2d Resolved that his Excys proposall relating to the Act for
the better regulating the Militia be referred to the Comittee of
Lawes to consult and make report thereof if it be convenient
that at present a Law bee made therefore.
3d Leave given to bring in a Bill for redress of the public
4thly Resolved that the County Comrs Expences are allready
well Settled.

p. 128

5thly Resolved that his Excellencys proposalls relating to
the appointing of a Justices of the peace by Warr' under his
hand and Seale be referred to the Comittee of Lawes to make
reporte thereof to the house whether such Law shall be
7. Leave given to bring in a Bill therefore.
Then appointed the Comittee of agrievances.

Major Smithson Mr James Saunders and
Major Ennalls, Col. Hans Hanson .

House adjourned till 6 a Clock tomorrow Morning.

Friday May the 28th 1697

House mett. And it being moved that severall Lawes of
this province do want amendment Referred to the next
assembly to appoint a standing Comittee to inspect the same
and make their Reporte to the House.
House adjourned untill two of the clock,
post merediem House meete and adjourned till 6 of the
Clock to morrow Morning.

Saturday May the 29th 1697.

House mett. Absent Major Dent, Majr Thompson, and
Major Barton.
The petition of William Sharpe read.
And voted and resolved nemine Contradicente, that the
taking the petr and detaining him after he had purchased his
Matys Write of Error and Supersedeas upon the very Judgm'
on which the Execution Issued is illegall and agt the course of
the Common Law
Majr Thomas Smithson Chairman of the Comittee of
agrievances presents the following Reporte Viz:

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 558   View pdf image (33K)
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