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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 557   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 557

piscattaway Indians, Mattowoman and Chapticoe Indians
lately deserting theire forts and withdrawing themselves unto
the mountains.
The Reason of such theire Deserting is psumed to be, upon
the occasion of the late murther comitted upon Mr Stodarts
Negro Boy at the Eastern Branch of potomack in prince
Georges County.
That the said mischief is conceived to have happened by
reason of some grudge upon the account of Trade.

L. H. J.

Therefore proposeth the Assembly will take such measures
either by act of Assembly to be made otherwise as for the
future may best prevent the like evills.
2dly That the present act of Assembly for the better regu-
lating the militia of this province is at present altogether
unpracticable and in sufficient therefore that every four or five
Taxables be obliged to finde a Trooper or footman with
necessary arms &c and that the act therefore be new model-
3rdly That the Contry Creditt is much undervalued and
impaired, and the Severall Sherriffs Complaine and say the
reason thereof is because of the shortness of theire continu-
ances in their said Imployments.
Therefore proposes that a law be made to have two or
three of the most substantiall persons in every county to
undertake the said office and pay the publick tobacco at
certain places in the Contry.
4th That the Comrs Expenses in attending their County
Courts are not well Settled, his Excy having had a complaint
thereof from Somersett County.
5thly That for saving charges to the countys of a new
comon when any of the Justices of the Countys dye or Remove
themselves out of the county a Law be made to impower his
Excy Warr' under his hand and seale to appoint a Comr and
such com" having taken the oaths appointed and incident to
his office, to be thereby legally qualified to Sitt and act as a
Comrs in the said Countys as aforesaid,
6thly That there is a great abuse intercepting and Imbez-
ling peoples Letters in this province, and that the Assembly
would make some Law to oblige Masters of Ships to deliver
the same to the Severall Collectors and that Mr Perry the post
be obliged to call upon such officers for the dispatch of such
Letters according to their Severall Directions.
7thly That a Lawe be drawn to confirme titles to Lands,
whereon Churches and Chappels have been built, and to
Enable the Vestrys where there shall see occasion to build
churches or chappels to purchase land therefore.
House adjourned till 2 a Clock.

p. 127

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 557   View pdf image (33K)
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