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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 519   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 519

The following observacons & remarks collected out of the
house of Delegates
Resolves to the severall proposalls sent them from this
board are by order drawn forth & layd before the house.
1. As to excuseing poor men from being made Constables
His Excy does not know how farr it may be legally proper
2d Quserie how Coll Talbot may reimburse the Country
seeing it is not yet done
5 The Law about takeing the Lists of Taxables is not
judged sufficient by this board
8. It is not answered how the shipps sayling may for the
future be better forward
17. His Excy makes complaint that the parishes are not
well layd out nor named
18. his Excy does declare that for want of such a frigot to
Cruise, The house must expect to have all the blood that
shall be spilt & damage or other mischiefe done by privateers
&c (otherwise) to be layd on their heads Imagining they are
afraid such Cruiser would spoyle the Illegall trade
The sending men beyond the mountaines vpon discovery
&c. was not by their proposall intended as a Charge to the
A peticon of Coll Hermans widow desireing the opinion of
the house of delegates concerning an agreemt made by her
husband in his life time with the vestry of north Sasafrax
parish in Csecil County about building a Church &c whether
the said bargaine might not be avoyded she refunding the


tobacco received The houses opinion vpon the same being
Endorsed was That it might or might not as the Vestry
thought fit This board being of the same opinion The peticon
is Endorsed accordingly.
The Clerke of the Council is sent downe to acquaint the
house that his Excy requires their Attendance at this Board to
conferr with them in the matter ab' the Indians
Came vp accordingly Mr Speaker attended with the whole
house Capt John Hance Tillman being called to the Confer-
rence came accordingly
He is required to give an account what he has done in
pursuance of the late order of Council given him in charge,
who sayes that according to the said Order he went to the
Susquehannah & other Indians at the head of the bay That
the Delaware King, and Chanhannan king would have come
along with him but that their greate men were gone abroad a
hunting, and because he vnderstood the rest were willing to
come downe about a month hence he did not bring them with
Reports that at Carristauga, the Susquehanna & Seneca
Indians have about forty lusty young men besides woemen &

p. 14

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 519   View pdf image (33K)
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