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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 518   View pdf image (33K)
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518 Assembly Proceedings May 26-June 11, 1697.


Referred till the said workeman appears in the house
23. Mr John ffreemans peticon &c
Referred to this house Rejected
Severall Letters layd before the house & read proposall
about Encourageing some persons to goe out vpon the
mountaines vpon discovery &c
The sending men vpon that accompt at this present time
thought will be too chargable and burthensome to the Country
Touching the Remarke about the Clerke of the house
signing as Clk of the Assembly &c
The same is answered The Clerke of this house signing
as Clerke of the house of delegates
Proposall about the Addiconall conveniencies & offices
about the State house &c
Resolved that as to the Addiconall conveniencies & things
proposed about the state house The same are very necessary
to be done And that Majr Hamond and Majr Dorsey be
hereby appoynted Trustees to agree with & Imploy persons
to doe & finish the same who shall be paid therefore out of
the publick Levy of this province
The said Resolve is assented to

by his Excy & his Matys honble Council

Hen: Denton Cl Concil

That the house give their opinion whether it may not be
convenient to have the Armes (to be sent for in) Sanguin'd

Resolved That it will be very convenient for the better
preserving of them that they be sanguin'd
The said Resolve is assented to
by his Excy & his Matys honble Council J Hen Denton Cl Council
A peticon of Major Whittington high Sheriffe of Sumerset
County Referred to the Consideracon of the house
A peticon of Majr Edward Dorsey Craveing longer time for
building the Church & Schoole &c Is referred as above a
peticon of Capt Wm Welland about the Church to be is referred
as above And the said three peticons are delivered into
the house accordingly.

Tuesday June the 1st 1697
The Council againe Sate & were present.

His Excy ffrancis Nicholson Esqr Capt genll &c
Sr Thomas Laurence Baronet Secry

Coll Henry Jowles Coll John Addison
Thomas Tench Esqr Coll John Courts
Coll Charles Hutchins Thomas Brooke Esqr

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 518   View pdf image (33K)
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