p. 119
out of the Revenues or Incomes to the said Trustees for the
use aforesaid the sume of one hundred and Twenty pounds
Sterling per Annum for the Sallary Supporte and Maintenance
of the said first mentioned ffree Schoole Master Usher and
Scribe and the necessary repaires and Improvements of the
same as to the said Francis Nicholson and Trustees aforesaid
the Major part or Survivors of them shall seem Expedient
from time to time to ordaine in the premises and that for the
uses and purposes aforesaid they the said Francis Nicholson
and the Trustees aforesd the Survivors or the Major part of
them shall and may be incorporated into a body Politique by
by the name of the Rectors, Governors Trustees and Visitors
of the ffreeschools of Maryland with full power to plead and
be Impleaded, to sue and be sued to defend and be defended
to answer and be answered in all and every Cause Complaint
and Action reall personall or mixt of wtsoever kind or nature
it shall be whatsoever Courts and places of Judicature belong-
ing to your Maty Your heires or Successors or by from or
under your Royall Grant or Authority and that your Maty
will be graciously pleased to give and grant your Special