Service, Pious Endeavours and Generous Offers for the Pro-
pagation of Christianity and good Learning herein we become
humble Suitors to your most Sacred Maty to Extend your
Royall grace and flavour to us your Matys Subjects of this
Province represented in this your Matys Generall Assembly
thereof That it may be Enacted And May it be Enacted by the
Kings Most Excellent Maty by and with the Advice prayer
and Consent of this present Generall Assembly and the
Authority of the same That for the Propagation of the Gospell
and the Education of the Youth of this Province in Good
Letters and maners That a certein place or places for a free
school or schools or place of Study of Latine Greek Writeing
and the like Consisting of one Master one Usher and one
writing Master or Scribe to a Schoole and one hundred
Scholars more or less according to the Ability of the sd
ffreeschool may be made Erected founded propagated &
Established under your Royall Patronage, And That the
most Reverend Father in God Thomas by Divine provi-
dence Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Primate & Metro-
politan of all England may be Chancellor of the said Schools
and that to perpetuate the memory of your Maty it may be
called King William's Schoole and managed by Certeine
Lib. L, L. 2
p. 116
Trustees to be Chosen and Appointed by your Sacred Maty
(to witt) as also by the following Trustees nominated and
appointed by this present Generall Assembly (that is to say)
by your Matys said Governor Francis Nicholson Esqr The
HonbLe Sr Thomas Lawrence Barronett, Colonel George
Robotham, Colonel Charles Hutchins, Colonel John Addison
of your Matys honble Councill of this Province The Reverend
Divine Mr Peregrine Cony & Mr John Hewett together with
Robert Smith, Kenelm Cheseldyn, Henry Coursey, Edward
Dorsey, Thomas Ennalls, Thomas Taskers, Francis Jenkins,
Willm Dent, Thomas Smith, Edward Boothby, John Thompson
and John Bigger Gentlemen, or the greatest part or the
Successors of them upon and in a Certeine place of this
Province Called Ann Arundell Town upon Seaverne River
and at such other place or places as by the Generall Assembly
of this Province shall be thought Convenient and fitting to be
Supported and maintained in all time Comeing and That your
Maty will for your heires and Successors Grant and give leave
to the said Francis Nicholson Esqr and Trustees aforesaid or
the Major part or longest livers of them that they may be
Enabled to take, hold, and enjoy and that they may be Apt &
Capable in Law for takeing holding and enjoying all mannors
Lands Tenements Rents Services, Rectories, Portions, Annu-
ityes Pensions with all other Inheritances, ffranchises and
Possessions whatsoever Spirituall or Temporall to the Value
p. 117