of the Bill lying before us relating to the Establishing] of the
protestant Religion in this province, [which this house pro-
posed] to pass as it is already penned, But in regard [yor Excy
app[roves not the same without some alteration and this
[house can]not at present recede from their former resolves
therein, and it appearing to us a matter of as great moment
as can come under our consideration. We desire that the
further proceedings as to the accomplishing the Same may at
present be referred untill another assembly, that thereby we
may severally and seperately consider the same.
Signed by order
W Bladen Clk Assembly.
Sent p Major Hamond, Mr Frisby, Mr Crauford and Mr
Clarke, who returne and Say they have delivered their
Upon the petition of Severall the Inhabitants of Dorchester
Resolved that the Act agt Striking ffish in Dorchester
County and Somersett County be repealed.
Proposed that a mold or place be made at the end of the
Stad' house for his Matys picture.
Assented to by the house.
The house adjourned till 6 of the clock to Morrow Morning.
Wednesday July the 8th 1696. The house met again.
Debated in the house concerning the act of Religion, and
Resolved the following Message be sent to his Excy the Govr
and Councill.
By the House of Burgesses, July the 8th 1696