Whereupon Mr Speaker and the rest of the Members
returned to the house and adjourned themselves untill 6 of the
Clocke to Morrow Morning
Thursday July the 2nd 1696.
The house being met, was ordered to be called over and
the following members were absent, Vizt Mr Watson, Capt
Waughop Major Dorsey, Capt Hill, Capt Tasker, Mr Crawford,
Major Dent, Mr Boothby, Mr Jenkins, Mr Scarborough Mr D
Bosnian Mr Hooper, Mr Hicks, Mr Pollard, Major
Ennalls, and Major Thompson.
Mr Jenkins, Mr [Scarborough,] and all Dorsett County
Burgessess enter the [house.]
Resolved Mr Spea[ker issue] Warrts to the honbLe his Matys
Secretary of this province to [presents] Writts for the Election
of two Burgesses in St Mary's County, one in Calvert County,
one in Baltemore, one in Talbott, one in Caecill, and one in
prince Georges County in the place of Mr Robert Mason, Capt
John Bayne, Mr George Lingham, Major James Maxwell Mr
Nicholas Low and Col. Willm Peirce now Sherriffs of the afd
Comittee of accompts appointed and sent out.
Mr Robert Mason, Major Thomas Smith, and Mr John
Comittee of Laws appointed and sent out.
Mr Philip Clarke, Major Thompson and Col: Codd
Upon proposall from his Excy Resolved that the sd
Comittee draw up the Acts of Religion anew and abreviate
the same.
Voted and Resolved unanimously that this house doe
address and congratulate his Matys happy deliverance from the
late trayterous designed assassination.