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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 403   View pdf image (33K)
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Maryland ss:
Porte of Annapolis July the Ist 1696.
Journall of the House of Delegates in Assembly.

Whereas the Genll Assembly of this province was by his
Excy Francis Nicholson Esqr his Majtys Capt Genll and Govr in
chiefe of this Province and the Territories thereto [belonging
pro]rogued from the fourteenth day of May last unto the [first
day of July] to the said prorogation this day appeared in the
[house the following m] embers, Vizt
Mr Speaker, Col. Hans Hanson, Col John [Hutchins,]
Major Thomas Smith, Major John Hamond, Mr James [Saun-
ders, Capt Edwd] Hill, Mr Thomas Tasker, Major Edwd
Dorsey, Major [James Smallwood Mr Henry] Hawkins, Mr
Willm Hutchison, Capt John Ferry, Mr Rober[t Smith, Ma]jor
Thomas Smithson, Mr Willm Hemsley, Colonel Sf Leiger
Codd, Col: Ninian Beale and Mr Willm Hatton.
Colonel St Leiger Codd, and Major John Hamond sent to
acquaint his Excy the house is met according to the last proro-
Mr Henry Denton, Clarke of his Majtys honble Councill came
to the house and signified that his Excy required them to attend
him at the Councill chamber.
And thereupon the house adjourned thither to wayte upon
his Excy where being admitted
His Excy acquainted them that soon after the last proro-
gation he had received Severall pacquetts of Lres from Eng-
land, Vizt One from the Lords of his Majtys most honble privy
Councill wherein they Signifyed the Discovery of a most
horrid Conspiracy for assassinating his Majtys sacred pson and
Subverting his Government. Also acquainted the house that
upon discovery of the said plott the parliament then Sitting
in England had addressed his Maty and entered into an
association to defend his Royall person, his crowne, and
dignity agt the late King James and all others his Enimies, as
also to revenge any untimely accident that might happen to
his said Maty by reason of any such trayterous designes
That he did not doubt but that their Loyalty and Zeale to
his Matys Service would induce them to follow the good
example of their patriotts the Parliamt of England. And that

p. 1

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 403   View pdf image (33K)
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