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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 20-Oct. 18, 1694. 29

Read two Instructions of their Majties relateing to Bulk
Tobacco & ports as alsoe two Letters from her Sacred Majties
relateing to the same being directed to the Late Governr
Copley & another Lettr from her Majty directed as afd
recomendinga Supplye to be sent from this Governmt towards
the Assistance of New Yorke agt the ffrench &ca severall other
papers alsoe being read which being thought too tedious for
to be here incerted to Represent in a Speech is rather left to
be particularized to the house when settled for them to Con-
sider off.
Ordered that Comission issue to Constitute Cleybourn
Lomax Clerke of the House of Burgesses to pass the Lesser
Seale &c. & to Runn dureing pleasure.
Religion Service of the King & interest of the Countrey,
Three heads to be observed to the House in a Speech.
Proposed by his Exncy to the Board whether or noe a
publick fast and day of humiliation would be convenient to be
Strictly keept & observed throughout the Province for the
craveing a Blessing upon their Majties persons & the Success
of their fforces by Sea and Land as likewise to Implore a
blessing upon the Endeavours of this present Assembly con-
vened & the Uniteing all persons (where any differences have
happened) into a Christian like temper & Neighbourly corres-
pondence, to which was Answered that the same would be
Very Necessary & Ordered thereupon that proclamations
accordingly issue Under the Great Seale & that Wednesday
next be kept by the Assembly & this Citty & Wednesday
after by the Rest of the Countyes within this province & all
persons strictly Enjoyned to Observe the same.

ffryday September the 21th 1694.

The Councill again Mett & Sate & were prsent as Yesterday
wth the Addition of Coll Jno Addison
Comission Empowering the Gentlemen Yesterday appointed
& Ordered to sweare the Delegates of the house &ca being
read was signed by his Exncy & passed the Broad Seale of the
The said Gentl: accordingly goe to the house of Burgesses
Attended by the Clerke of this Board
They Returne & say that they have duely Executed the
said Comission & that the severall & Respective Burgesses
did all take the said Oathes except Richard Johns a Delegate
chosen for Calvert County & John Edmondson a Delegate
chosen for Talbot County whoe refused to take the said
Oathes & Capt William Whittington of Somerset County not
yet Come to Towne.


p. 6

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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