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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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28 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 20-Oct. 18, 1694.


ance, therefore he declared that in their Majties Name he did
dissolve them & that accordingly they were dissolved.
His Exncy makes demand of the Board where the Letter
aforemenconed sent by Sr Edmond Andros was, whoe made
Answer that the same was in the Custody of the then Clerk.

Ordered thereupon that the said Clerke be sent for &
inquired & sworne about it & whether he has delivered up the
same together with all other Councill papers & Journalls.

post Meridiem

p. 5

The Councile Mett & Satt & were present as before. Mr
Thomas Tench added.
Message from the house of burgesses by Mr William Dent
Mr Robt Smith Cap John Hamond & Mr Edward Boothby
whoe Signified to this Board that the house of Burgesses were
mett pursueant to their Majties Writt of Election to whome his
Exncy returned for answer that he would send some of the
Councill lawfully Authorized downe to their house either this
Evening or to Morrow Morning to sweare the severall
Members of the house according to vsuall Custome & forme
& Likewise the Clerke of their House.

Ordered thereupon that Comission issue Under the Great
Seal to Authorize The Honble Sr Thomas Laurence Baront
Secretary Coll Henry Jowles Coll George Robotham & Coll
Nicholas Greenberry or any three of them to Administer the
Oathes appointed by Act of Parliament in stead of the Oathes
of Allegiance and Supremacy & Test. Coppy of their Majties
Instruction to his Exncy relateing to the Councill & Members
of the House of Assembly takeing the Oathes & Signeing to
the Test sent to the House of Burgesses by the Clarke of this
Board being given in Charge to Signifie that it being late in
the Night they shall not haue time to sweare the Burgesses of
the House but that to Morrow Morning by Tenn of the Clock
his Exncy has Appointed four of the Councill to Sweare them
according to the Instruction now delivered, he Returned &
sayes he delivered the said Message & Coppy of Instruction.
Mr Dent & Messingers last sent from the house appeare
again at the board and doe say that they received the Admoni-
tion sent by the Clerke but that they are not as yet a house
though Sumoned to Sitt as on this day therefore did conceive
that they Could not adjourne without Writt, the which his
Exncy told them should issue & did accordingly issue Under
the Great Seale Signed by his Exncy & was published by the
Sherriffe of Snl Maries County of their being Adjourned
Untill the Next Morning Tenn of the Clock.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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