The remainder of the sd account Referred till further proofe
and the negroe to pay his own fees &c:
Mr Job Euvans of Ann Arundell County his accompt exam-
ined and allowed 600 l tob:
Mr Robert Mason his accompt examined and allowed for
his attendance as a Justice of the Provinciall Court in August
last and for his Itenerant Charges 2440 l tob:
Ordered that the Clerke sett up noates to giue notice to all
Persons that have any accompts to putt into the Publick to
bring in their sd accompts, to the Comittee betwixt this and
Saturday next at four of the clock in the afternoon.
The Comittee adjourns for an hour.
Eodem die. The Comittee mett again Present as before.
Collo David Browne his accompt examined and allowed for
his attendance in Councill and Itenerant Charges 6939 1 tob:
Collo Charles Hutchins his account examined and allowed
for his attendance in Councill and Itenerant Charges 7419
1 tob: