Wednesday October the 9th 1695.
The Comittee mett again. Present
Mr Robert Mason Chairman
Major Thomas Smith
Mr Thomas Greenfield Mr ffrancis Watkins
Mr George Lingham Mr John Pollard.
The said Mr John Pollard being added to the Comittee
p order of the House.
William Browne of Ann Arundell County his account
examined and allowed for Railing and paleing in the Yard
aboute the State House, and for Seates, frames and window
Shutters, and plank and nailes for the same 800 l tob:
The Cart wheeles in the sd accompt allowed for the last
Sessions of Assembly.
Edward Snelling his accompt for worke done aboute the
State House. Examined & allowed upon the same 2500
1 tob: And the County to pay for fitting up the County
Henry Loftus his accompt examined and considered by the
Comittee. Referred to them that employed him for his pay.
p. 33
Mr Thomas Tasker his accompt examined and allowed for
his attendance as a Justice of the Provinciall Court in Novem-
ber Court, ffebruary and August Courts, and for his attend-
ance in May as a Burgesse 18 dayes with his Itenerant
charges. 4424 1 tobaccoe.
Allowed the sd Tasker in May Assembly as appears by the
Journall for 9s 1980 l tob: for his attendance then remains
due, 2444 1 tob:
Mr George Plater his accompt examined and allowed upon
the same for the tryall of James Welch, 400 l tob: to be.
allowed in Charles County.
Richard Shirley of Caluert County his accompt examined
and allowed for Carrying over the Bay severall Coppyes of
the Laws by order of his Excellency the Governour and in full
of the Same 800 l tob: to be allowed in Charles County.
Allowed Mr Vanswearingen for the Expenses of the
Comittee of Accompts, 795 1 tob:
Major Robert King of Sumersett County his accompt
examined and allowed for his attendance as a Justice of the
Provinciall Court in Novemr Court 1694 and August Court
1695, and his Itenerant Charges, 5620 l tob:
Mr John Caruile Sherife of Caecill County his accompt
examined and allowed for James Meekes and Thomas Harris's
Levyes being run away, 204 1 tob: