answered that there was once a Contest about the same in my
Lord Baltemores time, but that my Lord did appoint them a
Clerke at that time, His Exncy therevpon did desire them to
inquire and advize whoe might be a fit person to Execute that
Trust as likewise Give Notice to the Members of the house of
Burgesses now in Towne that when they meet together &
haue perused their Writts of Ellection they send to this Board
to make knowne their being mett in Obedience to their Majties
Writts of Election & that some persons from this Board may
be Authorized to Administer the Usuall Oathes appointed by
Act of Parliament instead of the Oathes of Allegiance &
Supremacy, & Test unto the severall members thereof, &
Likewise to acquaint them that if the Burgesses are not all
Come to Towne he would have them deferr chooseing a
Speaker till there is a full house, that the same may be done
in a faire manner to the likeing of the majr part of the house
his Exncy being willing to stay a day longer, for that End &
In Reading ouer the Journall of the house of Assembly held
in September last the following Clauses therein Contained
were Ordered to be taken Notice off & inserted in this Jour-
nall Vizt
Saturday September the 23th 1693:
The house Resolve themselves into a Grand Comittee to
goe upon the Conferrence yesterday appointed & doe Order
& Constitute Mr Kenelm Cheseldyn Chaireman thereof, The
said Comittee returne to the State house where Mr Speaker
reassumeing the Chaire Signyfyed to the house that the
Councill had acquainted him with their Receipt of a Lettr
from Sr Edmond Andros which Specifyed his haveing a
Comission for the Governt in case of Governor Copleys death
and therefore thought the Conferrence needless & withall
desired the speaker to Make knowne the same to the house.
Debated whether the Conference shall goe on or noe, &
Voted accordingly & Carried in the Affirmative.
Ordered that a Message be drawne Up & sent to the said
End & purpose, which was Done as follows Vizt