At a Councill held at the Councill Chamber in a Genll
Assembly Convened at the Citty of Snt Maries the 20th day of
September in the Sixth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne
Lord & Lady King William & Queen Mary &ca Anno Dom.
1694 being Thursday.
His Exncy ffrancis Nicholson Esqr
Sr Thomas Laurence Baront Secretary Coll David Brown
Coll Henry Jowles
Coll George Robotham
Coll Nicholas Greenberry Thomas Brooke Esqr
Appeared alsoe the HonobLe Coll Charles Hutchins one of
their Majties Councill appointed whoe had Administred unto
him the Oathes appointed by Act of Parliament instead of the
Oathes of Allegiance & Supremacy as likewise the Oath of
Councillr as alsoe Subscribed to the Test, not being afore
Petition of the Major part of the ffreeholders & ffreemen of
Kent County on behalfe of Mr William Harris & Mr Thomas
Pincr against Mr Hans Hanson & Mr Thomas Smith whoe
they Alledge are illegally chosen & Returned to serve as
Delegates for the said County in the Roome & stead of the
said Harris and Piner, The said petition being subscribed to
by 52 persons. Ordered that the said petition be Referred
to the house of Assembly to be inquired into & Redressed
according as they shall finde the Truth of the Matter appeare.
Sent the 2 2d of Septembr 1694.
Indentures of the Election of Burgesses being Returned
according to Act of Assembly Vizt ffour for every County
& two for the Citty of Snt Maries, Ordered that the same be
Delivered to the Honoble Coll Henry Jowles [Keeper] of the
His Honor Capt John Courts appeares at the board
Indentures already returned Vizt
Dorchester County Kent County Snt Maryes County
Charles County Somersett County Calvert County
Baltemore County Talbot County