By the house of Burgesses Octob: 17th 1695.
The house taking into Consideration the Message from
your Excy and the honble Councill Sent on tuesday last by the
honble Colonel John Addison touching the Emperour of
Piscattoway's Complaint desire and intreat your Excy out of
your wonted Care for his Matys Service and the good of this
province, that you would be pleased to examine into the Same,
and give such Orders and directions therein as to your Excy in
your Wisdom shall seem meet.
Signed p Ordr
W Bladen Clk Assembly.
Sent p Capt Hill and Major Hamond.
House adjourned for an hour.
Post Meridiem house mett.
Vpon perusall of the Ordr of Councill Augt 17th 1695. The
Considration thereof is referred to the next Sessions.
Put to the Question if the Act made last Sessions of
Assembly for dividing and regulating severall County's shall
stand as it is or be repealed, Carryed by majority of voices not
to be altered.
A Bill for the Naturallization of Michael Curtis & others
read the first tyme and passed.
A Bill for securing the Rights of Severall persons in Town
Lands read the second tyme and passed.
His Excy recofnending to the house that they would make
up so much money in proportion as our neighboring Collony
of Virginia hath contributed to the Assistance of New Yorke
and like wise his Excy having proposed to advance the same
vpon the publique ffaith.