Put to the Question whether the sd Act shall pass on not &
carryed in the Affirmative.
The two last Bills sent to his Excy the Govr and Councill by
Capt Hill Major Hamond Mr Saunders & Col: Pearce.
House adjourns for an hour.
Post Meridiem House met.
Came this Message from his Excy the Govr and the Coun-
cill by the honble Col: Henry Jowles Colonel John Addison
Thomas Brooke Esqr and Capt John Courts, who brought
down to the House the following Bills Vizt A Bill for securing
Severall psons Rights in Towne Lands.
A Bill for the Imposition of 4d p Gall: on Liquors imported.
And recomend from the Councill Board that in the begining
of the Address to his Maty, this province do congratulate his
good Success and Signifye that We have expressed our Joy
therefore to the Utmost of our Capacityes.
And that it is further recomended to the house this Alteracon
be made in the Act for the Imposition of 4d p Gall: on liquors
imported, That Shipps built before the making of the said Act
be wholy left out, And that the Shipps clear of the said Duty
be those which are or shall be built since the making the said
Act and which wholy & solely belong to the Inhabitants of this
The house adjourns till to morrow morning at 6 of the
Thursday Octob: the 17th 1695.
The house being met was ordered to be called over and the
following Members were absent Vizt Mr Clark Mr Frisby
Major Hamond Capt Hill Mr Greenfield Mr Hutchins Mr Ling-
ham Mr Tasker Capt Dent Mr Hutchison Mr Boothby Mr
Robert Smith Mr Lowe Mr Bosman Mr Dixon Mr Pollard
Major Ennalls Mr Hooper Mr Hicks and Col: Herman.
Then was read over what was done Yesterday. Capt Hill
Enters the house.
House adjourned for halfe an hour.