The house taking into Considracon that his Excy had
recofnended unto them that they should inspect the Law
relating to the impannelling of Jurors and ascertain where the
Vicinage shall arise in tryall in the provintiall Court.
Resolved the Comittee of Laws prepare a temporary Bill
according to the proposall.
Debated whether an Agent shall be sent for England to
remonstrate the Circumstances of this province in Relation to
the Assistance to be given New Yorke by this province.
Resolved that no Agent be Sent
The House adjourned till to morrow morning at 7 of the
Fryday Octob: the 11th 1695.
Robert Smith Esqr Speaker of this House being very sick
and indisposed, and therefore having absented himselfe from
the house the Members of the house went up to his Excy to
receive his Directions thereupon, who ordered them to repaire
to the house and make Choice of some other Speaker in his
Stead & place.
Whereupon the Members repaired to the house & chose
Kenelm Cheseldyn Esqr for their Speaker and then went up
and presented him to his Excy who approved of their Choice,
For which Mr Speaker and the rest of the members returned
his Excy their hearty thank's. And then Mr Speaker and
the rest of the Members repaired again to the House
where Mr Speaker having taken the Chaire ordered the house
to be called over, and the following Members were absent Vizt
Col: Hinson Mr Frisby Mr Hutchins Capt Dent Mr Hutchison
Mr Robert Smith Mr Lowe Mr Hooper Mr Hicks Colonel Her-
man and Colonel Codd.
Then read over what was done Yesterday.
Major Thomas Smithson Chairman of the Comittee of
Agrievances presents the following Report.
By the Comittee of Agrievances &c.
That whereas the Comittee Supposes it was the intent of
the Assembly held at St Mary's the 21st of Septr 1694 that all
Mars of Shallops and open Sloopes trading within this province