Proposed that the Church at mount Calvert be fitted to serve
as well for a Court house as Church, and so in all other places
where the Same can conveniently be done, and that an Ordr
of the house pass for the Same.
Proposed that Some Ordr of the house pass to Effect the
Seating of the Indian Land lying betwixt Pomunky and
Mattawoman in Charles County Petition of Severall of the in-
habitants of the port of Annapolis read & Referred to the
Consideration of the house of Burgesses.
The aforegoing proposalls & Petitions were delivered to
Coll: Wm Peirce one of the members of the house, by the
Clerk of this Board in Ordr to be communicated to the house
of Burgesses.
Produced and Read a rough draught of a Proclamation
touching persons indeed out of the Province; Ordered to be
Sent down to the house of Burgesses for their perusall.
Octobr the 18th 1695.
The Councill again Sate and were all prsent except Coll
Courts and Mr Brooks.
Brought from the house of Burgesses Severall Resolves
which were Read as follows Vizt
By the house of Burgesses, October the 17th 1695.
Resolved Mr Briscoes papers relating to the publick Reve-
nue be Entered upon the Journall of the house of Burgesses
and then delivered to Mr Sam" Watkins the present Navll Offi-
cer of Petuxent District, who is to Collect the Same.
Resolved a bill be prepared for the naturalization of Michaell
Resolved Majr Edwd Dorsey be allowed for defraying his
Expenses as a Commissionr in Chancery dureing his Sitting
in the sd Court equall with the dayly allowance to the Burgesses
of Assembly.
Upon reading the Ordr of Councill of the 17th of August
1695 abt Seating the Indian Land; the consideration thereof