By the house of Burgesses Octobr the 8th 1695.
Resolved by the house that his Maty be further addressed
in relation to the assistance to New York required from us
thereby Remonstrating our inability therein and our great
desire to be discharged from the Royall Commands laid
on us.
Munday Octobr the 14th 1695
In reading Severall Resolves of the house of Delegates and
Burgesses in answer to Severall proposalls made to them from
this Board, it is observed that they give no answer to that
part of a former proposall sent them relating to New York
affair, touching the making up so much money in proportion
as Virginia hath given towards the defence of that Governmt
therefore proposed that the Act for the Additionall Duty of
3d p hhd: be continued for that purpose, his Exncy being will-
ing to advance money for the Countrey upon Credit thereof
(if wanting)
The answer of the House of Burgesses to the aforegoing
proposall as follows Vizt
By the house of Burgesses, Octobr 17th 1695.
Resolved unanimously that if his Exncy shall please to
advance so much money for the assistance of New York as
with what has been already transmitted thither will make up
our Quota proportionable to our Neighbouring Colony of