one, for that the last messenger had Cost their Governmt 19th
Sterl thereupon the honrble Coll: Nicho Greenberry then Presi-
dent inform'd his Exncy and the Board that the sd messingr was
at no expences dureing the time he staid on this side the Bay
being the place where his business lay, but does withall
observe as also severall others of the Gentlemen of the Coun-
cill that he kept Drunckining up and down & was of very ill
and rude behaviour dureing his stay here, and that it was no
wonder for him to bring them in such an Accot of Expences
Considering the Character his brother Vanderbrugh at New
Castle bears.
Ordered th' all the aforementioned Papers together with
other matters be gott ready against to-morrow in Ordr to be
laid before the house of Burgesses.
Read part of a letter sent from his Grace the Arch-Bishop
of Canterberry and another from the Lord Bp ol London unto
his Exncy the Governour the which were also Ordered to be
laid before the house.
Adjourn till to morrow morning.
Saturday Octobr the 5th 1695.
The Councill again Sate and were
His Exncyffrancis Nicholson Esqr: Capt Genll &ca
Coll: Henry Jowles
the honrble Coll: Nicholas Greenberry
Coll: Charles Hutchins
Coll: David Browne
Coll: John Addison
Coll: John Courts
Thomas Brook Esqr:
James ffrisby Esqr: