Moued by a member of this house on behalfe of Coll
Jowles concerning a Bond of the said Coll. Jowles's passed by
him to their Majties & now lyes Lodged in Capt Biggers
hands, therefore thinks it proper that the same may be
delivered up into the hands of the Clk of this house, there to
Remaine till further Ordr from this house, the takeing the said
Bond being already Voted to be illegally Extorted;
And there vpon putt to the Vote whether the same shall be
delivered up accordingly or noe, & carryed in the Affirmative ;
And the said Capt Bigger did thereupon deliver up the same
to the Clk. aforesaid. Putt to the Vote whether the motion
on Saturday made concerning the Chancellors granting an
Injunction after a Verdict of Twelve men & Judgmts given
thereon, be a Grievance or noe, and Carryed Nemine contra-
dicente in the Affirmatiue.
Coll Hutchins comes from the Councill & Sayes they are
ready to Admitt the house to the Conference. The house
thereupon resolue themselves into a Grand Comittee &
Choose Mr Cheseldyne Chaireman thereof & soe goe up
upon the said Conference. The Gouernor of Virginia come-
ing in the Interim Occasioned the sd Conference to be deferred,
and thereupon they repaired to the State house againe, where
Mr Speaker Reassume the Chaire.
The house Adjournes till to Morrow Morning Nine of the
Tuseday September the 26th 1693:
The house again mett & were called ouer & were absent
these following Membrs Vizt Two Citty Delegates together wth
Mr Watson, Mr Ashman, Mr Smith Mr ffinney Mr Robins, all
Dorchester County Delegates & Mr Crooke.
Then was read ouer what was done Yesterday.
Ordered that a Message be drawne up to the Honble the
Secretary which was done as follows Viz