p. 13
Munday September the 25th 1693.
The house again mett and were called over & were absent
these following Members Vizt the two Citty Delegates together
wth Majr Camble, Mr Clarke Mr Watson, Mr Mitchell, Mr
Ashman, Mr Boothby, Mr Smith, Mr ffinney Mr Robins, all
Dorchester County Delegates, and Mr Crooke.
Then was Read ouer what was done on Saturday. Mr
Dent & Mr Whittington sent to the Councill to Signifye to
their Hon" that the house is ready to Enter upon the Confer-
ence this day appointed and agreed upon.
Moued by a member of the house that the Councill may be
sent to, to desire their honors would be pleased to Remitt
hither their Majties Instructions relateing to the Constitucon of
the Governmt for the peruseall of this house, and voted
Accordingly & carryed in the Affirmatiue.
Majr Cambell appeares in the house.
The Messengers Returne & say they delivered their said
Message to the Councill whoe for Answer returne that they
will send the house notice when they are ready for the Con-