and the advantage of all his Subjects concerned that the
comodore stay untill the last of June by which tyme We may
reasonably conjecture all the fleet may be ready at Kiquotan
to attend and wayt the mocon of the Comodore.
Signed p Order
W Bladen Clk: Assembly.
Sent upon this Message Mr Tasker, Mr Clarke and Mr
Frisby. Major Smithson presents from the Committee of
Agrievances the following Report (Vizt)
By the Committee of Grievances mett May the 15th 1695.
And humbly presented to the house of Assembly that consid-
ering how thinly this province is peopled, and to give encour-
agement to Strangers and aliens to come into this province
and seat themselves here, that the house would be pleased to
consider whether it would not be necessary and expedient for
the publique good and wellfare of this province that an Act of
Assembly be made to ascertain and explain what fees, gra-
tuitys or rewards shall be paid by every alien that shall here-
after be naturallized to such officers or ministers who do
clayme any fees therefore, and that when any person is nat-
uralized with his children that no more fees may be paid then
for one person onely.
It is also humbly offered to the house of Assembly by this
Comittee that the Severall Tanners and Shoemakers within
this province who do Tann Hydes into Leather and make
that up into Shoes, do not make the said Leather good and
Servisable, therefore this Comittee doe humbly present to the
house of Assembly, that it would be to the great Service of
this province, to enjoyne on the Severall Tanners and Shoe-
makers, who do Tann Hides into Leather and then worke
that leather up into Shoes, by an Act of Assembly to that end
to be made that they do make, good, Servisable and Substan-
tiall Leather, and that six knowing persons in each respective
County be appointed as Searchers to Search and view all
Hides tanned into Leather and in case the same be well and
sufficiently Tanned, then to Seale the Same with a Seale to
that purpose to be appointed, and in case they find the said
leather not well and sufficiently tanned, so that the same may
not be Searvisable and fitt to be made up into hides that a
penalty may be inflicted on such tanners or Shoemakers.
It is also humbly presented to the consideration of the house
of Assembly by this Committee that whereas by the Laws of
this province, It is provided that the Comissary or Judge in
Testamentary causes and for granting admracon &c: upon the
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