Resolved an additionall Bill be drawn to the Act appointing
Ports and Towns. Upon reading the petition of Mr Hennage
Robinson and Compny Merchs in London, relateing to the Impo-
sition on furrs
Voted Whether the clause in the Law relateing to the impo-
sition of a Duty upon furrs be repealed or not.
Carryed in the negative.
The Law concerning Towns being referred to this Assembly,
Resolved two ports be made, in Puttuxant River one, and
the other in Potomac River for the better accomodation of
those two Rivers. Moved in the House that a port be consti-
tuted in Somersett County where Shipps tradeing thither may
enter and clear. And assented to Nemine Contradiecente.
Voteed Whether Bougues Bay or St Leonards Creek be the
port for Puttuxent. Carryed by Majority of voices, Bougues
Voted whether Newtons point in potomack or Charles
Towne be the port for potomack river. Carryed by majority
of voices Newtons Point.
Resolved that Mr Arnold Elseys Land where the Towne
formerly was in Monnochin River, be the town and Port for
Somersett County.
The Law about money referred to the next Assembly.
Resolved that the 40ls of tobo p poll not collected in Ann
Arundell County in the year 1693, be applyed to the Building
a church in Ann Arundell Towne.
Ordered Capt Hill and Capt Bayne wayte upon Mr Peri-
grine Coney and returne him the thanks of the house for his
faste Sermon.
Upon reading her Sacred Matys Lre: relateing to New
Yorke; sent To his Excy the Governor in Councill &c: the
following Message.
By the Burgesses of Assembly May the 13th 1695.
We have seen her most Sacred Matys Lre: under her Sign
Manuall of the 22nd day of Aug' 1694 to your Excy comanding
Assistance to be given by this Government of Men and other
Supplyes for the defence of New Yorke as need shall require,
and upon Intimacon of his Excy the Governor of that place, to
which in all loyallty and humble obedience to the commands
of that Glorious Queen of ever blessed Memory We humbly
Signifye to your Excy first. That according to our utmost
abilityes we shall at all tymes be ready to assist that Govern-
ment with such number of men and armes when need shall