172 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695.
Talbott County
Robert Smith Major Thomas Smithson
Collo Henry Coursey and Mr Nichol: Lowe
p. 11
Somsett County
Major William Whittington
Mr Mathew Scarborough
Mr Thomas Dickson
Mr John Bosman
Dorchester County
Mr John Pollard
Mr Henry Hooper
Major Thomas Ennalls
Mr Thomas Hicks
Cecill County.
Collo Casparus A: Herman
Colo Wm Peirce
Colo St Leidger Codd
Majr John Thompson
Upon calling over the house the following Members were
absent (viz:) Capt Thomas Waughop, Mr Robert Mason,
Mr Philip Clarke, Capt John Bayne, Mr William Frisby, Mr
James Saunders, Mr Wm Hutchison, Major Wm Whittington
Mr Mathew Scarborough, Mr Thomas Dickson, all the Dele-
gates of Dorchester County, Colo Wm Peirce and Colonel
St Leidger Codd
The house adjourned till Eight a Clock to Morrow Morning
Thursday May the 9th 1695. The house mett.
Mr Cleborne Lomax being Clarke of Charles County Court
haveing other business which may hinder and impede him
from attending as Clarke of this house prays the house to be
dismissed from the said Place and office, and it is granted
Voted whether Mr Robert Goldsborough or Mr Willm
Bladen be Clarke of this house. Carryed by a majority of
voices Mr William Bladen, Mr Edward Boothby and Major
James Smalwood sent with the said Bladen to present him to
his Excy for his approbaccon.
Who returne to the house and say they have presented him
to his Excy who approved of him and Administered to him the
usuall Oaths which the said Bladen took, and subscribed to
the test.
Whereupon the said Bladen is admitted Clarke of the
house according to the former Vote and his oaths.
And thereupon Mr Cleborne Lomax was dismissed and
departed the house.
Message to his Excy the Governor in Councill.
By the house of Burgesses May the 9th 1695.
Whereas the sad Reporte of the Death of her Sacred