Journall of the House of Assembly.
Maryland ss :
Begun and held at Ann Arundell Towne in
Ann Arundell County, on the Eighth day of May in the Sev-
enth year of the Raign of our most Soveraign Lord and Lady
William and Mary by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland,
France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the ffaith
&c. Annoq Dni: 1695.
The Third Sessions,
The house of Assembly being adjourned (by order of his
Excellency Francis Nicholson Esqr their Majesties Governor
in Chief in and over this their province and Territoryes of
of Maryland &c:) from the first day of March 1694. until the
eighth day of May next ensueing, Mett at Ann Arundell Toune
in Ann Arundell County according to the said adjournment
upon Wednesday being the Eighth day of May in the year of
our Lord 1695.
And the Honble Rohert Smith Esqr Speaker haveing taken
the Chair, Ordered the house to be called over.
Which consisted of the following Members, Vizt
St Mary's City.-
Mr John Watson and Capt Thos Waughop.
p. 10