May 22th 1695.
Assented to by his Exncy and Councill
Hen Denton Cl Concil.
May 22d 1695.
Resolved that Majr John Hammond, Majr Edward Dorsey
Mr. James Saunders and Capt Richard Hill be a Committee
to inspect the accounts of the Is p hogshead since the Revo-
Resolved one brass halfe hundred Weight be sent for by
the Justices of the severall Counties, to be kept by the Clerks
of the counties only for trying the County standard by.
Resolved Mr Charles Carroll be admitted to Speake as
Councill, as to the Managemt of my Lord Proprietaries
W Bladen Clk Assembly.
May 22th 1695.
Agreed to by this Board. H Denton Cl Concil,
Post Meridiem.
Brought from the house of Burgesses by Mr Boothby, Mr
Smith, Mr Saunders and Mr Lowe the severall Bills (formerly
here presented) now fairly Engrossed and made up for the
Assent of this Board to the same, Signifying that they were
given in charge by the House to acquaint his Exncy that the
Resolved to Enter upon no new Matter, therefore prayed
to be informed from his Exncy when the house should waite
upon him to present the same for his Exncies passing-.
They are told Notice shall be given them.
The said Severall Bills being inspected & perused by their
Mats honble Councill were Assented to & The said Severall
Bills (as to their Titles) are as follow, Vizt
An Additionall Act to the Act of Religion.
An Act for setling Ann Arrundell County Court at the
Port of Annapolis within the same County.
An Act for securing of Admrs and Exrs from double paying
of Debts and Limiting of the time for paymt of Obligations
within this Province.
An Addiconall Act to the Act for the Better Administracon
of Justice in probat of Wills Granting of Administracons,
Recovering of Legacies and securing of filiall portions.
An Act for the Regulating Ordinaries and limiting the
Number of them within this Province.