lower side of Birds Creeke on Potomock River and so runne
to the lower side of Indian Creeke on Potuxent River.
That Charles County Bounds begin on the Upper side of
Birds Creeke and rune to the Upper side of Indian Creeke afd
New County to begin at the Upper side of Mattawoman
Creeke and to Rune to the upper side of Swansons Creeke;
all the upper side of the said Creekes to be in the new County
(to be called Prince Georges County.) and the lower side of
the said Creekes to be in Charles County, And that the
divisions be streight lines from the heads of the said Creekes,
and proposed that there be a Clause in the Act for setting Snt
Maries County Courts to be kept in Snt Maries City and that
the State house there be for a Court house & Church, the Act
to take place 23th of April next being Snt Georges day.
The honble Coll George Robotham Comes and takes his
Brought from the house the following Message Vizt
To his Exncy the Governt and Councill &ca
By the house of Burgesses May the 20th 1695.
Wee Signify unto your Exncy that Wee have agreed with
Coll Casparus Herman and have concluded he shall build the
new Court house as formerly proposed with little or no
alterations, Vizt
That Whereas the Shingles were to be upon planck they
shall be upon Laths And whereas the house was to be all of
Brick worke it is to be of stone up to the Water table for the
Building whereof he is to have Two hundred thousand pounds
of tobacco & Two hundred and ffifty pounds Sterl: to be paid
thus, Vizt one hundred thousand pounds of tobacco this Leavy,
one hundred pounds this yeare, one hundred thousand pounds
of tobacco the next year and one hundred and ffifty pounds
Sterl. upon the finishing the worke,
Wee also have appointed Capt Hill, Majr Hamond & Coll
Ridgley to be Overseers to see the Worke well done. To all
which Wee desire your Exncy and Councills consent and Appro-
Signed p Ordr
W Bladen Clk Assembly.
May 20th 1695.
Assented to by his Exncy and Councill
Hen. Denton Clk Concil
To his Exncy the Governt in Councill &ca
By the House of Burgesses May the 20th 1695.
This House have considered your Exncies Proposall relating