An Act for laying an Imposition upon Negros & Servants
imported, Read first time & and will pass with amendmt
An Act for the Raising a Supply towards the defraying the
publick Charge of this Province, read first time & will pass
with amendm'
The aforegoing Bills Referred to be considered off (as to
the Amendmts) in a conference with the house, And being sent
to, do accordingly attend his Exncy and their honrs
The said severall Bills being produced & perused wth
amendmts propos'd were, after some debate upon the same
had agreed to.
His Exncy is pleased to Recommend to the Board that the
Publick Accots of the Revenue may be all stated & adjusted
before the breaking up of the house And thereupon produced
Copy of the Lords of the Treasuries Letter of the 24th of
August 1694: Attested for a True Copy under a Notary
publicks hand, being directed to George Plater Esqr their
Mats Receiver &ca which being Read was found to Signify that
thereby he was directed to Returne over Bills for the Duties
arising from the Maryland ffieet, which was in the Countrey
before Governr Copleys death, pursuant to Order of Councill
of the 26th of July last past; to which his Exncy does say he
has already given Orders to Mr Plater his Mats Receiver Genll
to Draw forth List of the said Shipping with the time of
their going out and Coming in, together with an Accot of
their Loading as also to set down the Exact time of the said
Governt Copleys dying, so that the true state of that affair may
be Rightly laid before his Maty.
Munday May 20th 1695
Councill Again Sate and Were
His Exncv Francis Nicholson Esqr Capt Genll &ca
Coll Henry Jowles Coll David Brown
The honble Coll Nichl Greenberry Thomas Brooke Esqr
Thomas Tench Esqr Edward Randolph Esqr
Coll Charles Hutchins
Came from the House of Burgesses Mr Cheseldyn, Mr
Clarke, Mr Lingan, Mr Mr Dent & Mr Hutchinson,
signifying that they were sent from the House to ask leave to
see his Exncies Mapp of this Province & take his direction for
the dividing Snt Maries Calvert and Charles Countys; Which
accordingly being produced and Laid before them, it was
agreed upon that Snt Maries County bounds begin on the