Call up the number of Surveyrs not yett deputed.
Mr John Lowe Suryr for St Maryes County.
Mr Joseph Manning Surveyor for Charles County.
Mr Solomon Wright Surveyor for Talbott County, in the
Roome of Mr Wm Coursey.
Mr Edwd Green Surveyor for Sumersett County.
Major Thomas Ennalls Surveyor for Dorchester County.
Mr Thomas Coursey Surveyor for Caecill County.
Moved by a member of this house in behalfe of the Towne
of Oxford that Mr William Stephens did give fifteen Acres of
Land to the use of the said Towne and which was confirmed
by the same, but the Deeds appearing to be torne and imper-
fect prays the Consideraccon of this house that the Towne
may have the benefitte intended for them.
The house Adjourned for an hour.
Mr Speaker with the rest of the members goe up to his Excy
the Governor and Councill to the Councill Chamber, and
carryed with them the afd three bills, which were signed by
his Excy the Governor, and passed under the Great Seale of
this province (to witt:)
An Act for the naturallization of Daniell Dauison and
Daniell his Son.