and also that a publique Ferry be kept upon Severn River in
the County afd for the same end and purpose dureing the
tymes of provinciall Courts and Assemblyes, and at all other
tymes dureing business at the offices belonging to the said
Courts, and that Capt John Hamond and Major Edward Dor-
sey do agree with the persons concerned for the keeping of
the said publique Ferryes, as cheape as they can for the whole
yeare, and to be paid out of the publique Levy.
Voted that a publique Ferry be kept upon puttuxent River
in Calvert County in some place about Mount Calvert for the
carrying over of all persons, that have any business to do at
provinciall Courts and Assemblyes to be holden at Ann Arun-
dell Towne in Ann Arundell county, dureing the tyme of pro-
vinciall courts and assemblyes, and at all other tymes haveing
any business at the offices belonging to the sd courts and that
Mr Thomas Tasker and Mr George Lingham do agree with
the persons concerned for keeping of the said publique Ferry
p. 8
in Calvert County afd as cheape as they can for the whole
yeare, and the said publique Ferry to be settled at or near the
place aforesaid, where they shall thinke most fitt and conven-
ient for the same, and to be paid out of the publique Levy.
The house is adjourned till to morrow morning at 8 of
the Clock.
Fryday March the Ist 1694.
The house mett againe.
Proposed by some of the members of this house to take
into consecedon the Act of the last Sessions of Assembly
Entituled an Act for the Imposition of four pence p Gall: on
Liquors imported into this province, and Whether the said
Act is to fall in exempting all Shipps and Vessells that should
after this act, be built and belong to the people of this prov-
ince from the Duty therein imposed, as was intended by the
act of Assembly.
Thereupon it is unanimously resolved, that it never did
enter into the calculation and intent of the said Assembly to
impose said duty on any Shipp or Vessel that should after
the proclayming of that act, be built in and belonging unto
the people of this province, but should be wholly exempt from
all the said duty of 4d p Gallon, according to the true intent
and meaning of the said act, and that the two pence p Gallon
is not to be exacted of such; but onely of Shipps or Vessells
as were built before the said Law, or belonging to the people
but not built in this province.
A Bill for the naturalization of Daniell Dauison and Daniell
his son. Read the Second time.