These are therefore in their Majties Name to will & require,
as also to Charge & Comand you, Robert Mason Gent high
Sherriffe of St Maryes County or your Deputy forth with to
Apprehend & take into your Custody the Body of the said
Sr Thomas Laurence if he shall be found in your Baliwick and
him Safe keep, soe as to haue & convey him wth all Expedi-
tion to the Sherriffe of Charles County, to whome (together
wth this precept) you are to deliver him, And whoe is hereby
Straightly charged & Comanded to receive & take him into
his care & Charge, And him in safe secure & Close Custody
keep, without Bayle or Maineprize, untill he shall thence be
delivered or otherwise disposed of by order of this Board,
Whereof let there be no faile at perill and for soe doeing this
shall be a Sufficient Warrant, Dated at Councill Board this
Eighth day of Aprill Anno Dom 1693: in the ffifth yeare of
the Reigne of our Souraigne Lord & Lady King William &
Queen Mary &c.
Signed p Ordr
John LLewellin Clk Councill
This is a true Coppy of the Comittmt
according to the Originall
Tho Laurence.
Then was read the Journall & Report of the aforemenconed
Comitte upon the same which was as follows (Vizt)
September the 22th 1693
Att a Comittee of Grievances appointed by the house of
Assembly mett att the upper Chamber of the State house.
Mr William Dent Capt Philip Hoskins
Capt John Hamond Mr Edward Boothby
Ms Thomas Greenfield Capt William Whittington
The Comittee appointed By the house.
John Spratt appointed Clk of this Comittee
Mr William Dent chosen Chaireman
The Comittee Adjournes for halfe an houre.