10 Assembly Proceedings, September 20-26, 1693.
being granted to me in the Kings patent as an appendent
Right alwise belonging to and Exercised by the Secretary,
The Gouernor could forbid me the Execucon thereof or dispose
of the same by his particular Comission as he hath done to
Mr John LLewellin.
Mr Speaker & Gentlm of this Assembly I haue further to
acquaint & Inform you that I haue lately by my Lettr to the
Honble his Majties Councill demanded admittance again into
their body as first Councillor appointed by his Majtie himselfe
in Case of the Gournors death, to take up & Execute his said
Comission by and with the Advice of his Councill of Mary-
land, till his Majties pleasure be further knowne, And haue
expressed my desire & readiness to obey his Majties Comand
as I ought to doe, But from the performing of which my duty,
I am hindred, being forceably detained by Coll Warren
Sherriffe of Charles County; And haue by the Gent of the
Honble Councill been refused to be admitted to my right & to
doe my duty to his Majtie & this Province.
I doe therefore further Request of you Gen' by a ffree Con-
ference to debate with them the reasons of their persisting to
Exclude me, And to come to such conclusion in this Affaire of
soe great Consequence as may best suite to his Majties Service,
And to the peace Union and happyness of the Gouerning
powers and all the Kings good Subjects of Maryland.
I am Gentlemen with all Respect
Your very Humble Servant
Thomas Laurence
By his Exncie the Gouernor and Councill.
Maryland ss.
Whereas it hath Sufficiently appeared & been made mani-
fest to this Board That Sr Thomas Laurence Barronett is
Guilty of seuerall high Crimes and Misdemeano's by him
done and Comitted, and wherewith he stands charged in the
Misfeazance of his Office, The Breach of his Oath, and the
trust reposed in him, The Open violation of the Knowne
Laws & Statutes of the Kingdom of England, The Betraying
of their Majties Interest & Soueraigne Authority here Legally
Established associateing & confederating with, Countenancing,
Aiding, Cherishing and Abetting their Open & professed as
well as private & secret Enemies, contrary to the peace of our
Soueraigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne
and Dignity, And tending to the disturbance of their Majties
good Subjects the Inhabitants of this Province, and to divert
them from their due & Naturall Loue & affection true faith &
allegiance to their Majties and alsoe to deceive and defraud
them of their Just rights and Properties.