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of blessed memory Intituled an Act for the Incouraging and
encreasing of Shipping and Navigation before his Entrance
into the Government aforesd as by the said Statute is
Comanded enjoyned and required of all Governors and
Comanders in Chiefe of any their Maties Lands, Islands Plan-
tations, and Territorys nor Administer or Direct the same to
be Administred to Colonell Nicholas Greenbury by him left as
President nor Sr Thomas Lawrence att his next Comeing and
because also that by the Access of the said Sr Edmund Andros
to the sd Government by his Authority Diverse Acts and
Actions Judiciall & Civill have been done Executed and per-
formed in Courts of Records & otherwise in this Province
which for the reasons aforesd appear precautious and Doubt-
full in tender Contemplation whereof and for the ease and
quiett Peace and Settlement of your Maties most Loyall and
Dutifull Subjects of this your Maties Province They humbly
pray and beseech your Royall Maties That it may be Enacted
And be it enacted by your Sacred Maties by and with the
advice and Consent of this prsent Generall Assembly and by
the Authority of the same That all maner of Actions Suites
Causes and all proceedings in all & every their Maties Courts
within this Province either by holding setting Adjourning
Continueing or other Proceeding to hearing and Determining
any Suite, Action Motion Petition or other Matter whatsoever
shall be had taken accepted & reputed as Valid in Law or
Equity and of Absolute force Efficacy & strength in Law to