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Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 650   View pdf image (33K)
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650		Records of Maryland Troops in the Continental Service


   "Resolved, That the gov. of the state of Maryland be authorized to
detain the weakest continental battalion raised in the state of Mary
land, till a further order of Congress; and that it be recommended to the
executive authority of the state of Maryland, forthwith, to embody 300
of the militia of the said state, and to the executive authority of the
state of Delaware, 100 of their militia, the said militia to co-operte with
the battalion of continental troops, to obey the officer commanding the
same, and to continue in service so long as the joint executive authori
ties of the states of Delaware and Maryland shall think necessary."


   "Congress being informed, that governor Johnson has, in pursuance
of the resolution of Congress, of April 1 9th, for the purposes therein
expressed, detained colonel Richardson's battalion, two companies of
which are now in Philadelphia on their way to general Washington:
   Resolved, That the said companies proceed to the army, and that
governor Johnson be empowered to' replace them, by detaining two
companies of the weakest Maryland battalion remaining in that state."

   Roll of Capt. Robert Wrights Company of Militia, in the Service of
the United States by a Resolution of Congress, under the command of
Col. Wm. Richardson. Aug. and Sept., 1777.

Commissioned  July 7th‘77  Warranted.  May 27th Capt. Robert Wright
              June 19th‘77           		  29th Lieut.John Kent,Jr., resigned Oct 10th
          					  29th Lieut. Edward Thomas
              July 7th‘77			  27th Ensign Thomas Clymer

  RANK. 	APPOINTED.        NAMES.              		REMARKS.

Serjeant 	June 4th ‘77	Nathl. Wright   	Sick in Hospital Sept
   "      	May 31st 	Wm. Roe
   "      	June 31st 	Thos. Jackson   	Sick in Quarters Aug. De-
     								serted Sept 3rd
   "  		July 19th    	John Cairey
Corporal	May 31st  	John Burnett    	Enlisted in another Com-
     								pany Sept
   "  		June 1st     	Thos. Covington
   "  		May 31st     	John Lloyd
   "  		June 17th    	Jas. Meredith   	Sick in Quarters Aug

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Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 650   View pdf image (33K)
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