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Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 272   View pdf image (33K)
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272  Records of Maryland Troops in the Continental Service

discharge of Charles Kees, and further sayeth not. Sworn and sub
scribed this tenth day of May, 1785.
 Sworn this 10th day of		Joseph Howell, Jr.,
May, 1785          		John Phelan.
 Before Willm. Adcock. (Seal)

				Comptroller Genl.'s Office,
    					May 17th, 1785.
    I have received yours of the 5th Inst. and have examined and com
pared it with my Returns. This State, adhering to the recommenda
tions of Congress, makes up depreciation for none of the Troops dis
charged before the 10th April, 1780; and,altho I find in your List of the
German Regiment, that the State of Maryland hath settled with a num
ber of the same name as those which have been settled with here, such
as Nicholas Stover, John Hart, George Hensil and some others, yet they
were not the same men, but have been imposters, (very probably), with
discharges dated in 1779 in these men's names who continued in the
Army until 1 780, and some of them till the end of the war, there is, how
ever, none of those who continued till after April, 1780, per your list, which
have been settled here. I am much obliged by the list of Settlements
with Hartley's Regiment, or, as we called it, the 1 1 th Pennsylvania Regi
ment, for it was incorporated therewith in 1779. Of the list you gave
me, the following persons had been previously settled with here and
received their depreciation, viz--John Burgess, Corpl., John Barber,
Sergt., James Beal, Private, Jeremiah Ferrall, Sergt., & Willm. Marquis,
Private, the rest of them I have marked off in my Rolls as settled by the
State of Maryland, and shall not adjust their Accounts here. Joseph
Hyner, only, of Moylan's Regiment, had been settled with, by this State,
of all those upon your list, the residue I shall take care not to settle with.
If there is any other communication which I have here omitted to make,
please let me know. I have the person, who I think is at the bottom of
the nefarious proceeding you have been fortunate enough to detect,
bound over for an attempt of almost a similar nature here.
       			I am with great respect
            				Your Most Obedt. Servant,
        					Jno. Nicholson.
 C.  Richmond Esq., Audt. Genl.
    State of Maryland.

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Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 272   View pdf image (33K)
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