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Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 271   View pdf image (33K)
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during the War of the American Revolution, 1775-83.    271

Valentine Shultz, Serjt. in Capt Baltzel's Co. Served 3 yrs. Dis. Aug. 13th, 1779.
Michael Hatman, Private in Capt. Christian Myers' Co. 3 yrs. Dis. July 17th, 1779.
George Hartzell, " in Capt. Baltzel's Co. 3 yrs. Dis. July 19th, 1779.
George Shriver,  "  "     "         " 3 yrs. Dis. Aug. 11th, 1779.
Thomas Cammell,  " "  " Charles Baltzel's Co. 3 yrs. Dis. July 17th, 1779.
Henry Lane,      " "  " "       "         "   " "    " July 19th, 1779.
William Basht,   " in Capt. Boyer's Co. 3 yrs. Dis. Aug. 5th, 1779.
Nickolas Johnson, " in Capt. Charles Baltzel's Co. 3 yrs. Dis. July 24th, 1779.
Timothy Conn,    " "   "     "       "         "   "  "   " July 19th, 1779.
Michael Hausman, " in Capt. Boyer's Co. 3 yrs. Dis. July 25th, 1779.
Nickolas Limes, "in Capt. Charles Baltzel's Co. 3 yrs. Dis. July 2 1st, 1779.
Charles Kees,   " " "     "       "         "   " "    "    "    " "    "

   All the above discharges were given at Camp Wyoming, except
Schultz's and Shriver's at Camp Tioga. Each is signed by Jacob Bun
ner, Capt, Commanding the German Regt. Depreciation certificates
were issued Dec. 5th, 1783, to all the above.

    					Wyoming, July 21st, 1779.
   This is to certify that the Bearer, Charles Kees, a Private in the Ger
man Regiment in Captain Charles Baltzel's Company, Served three years
as a good Soldier from the time of his Inlistment he is hereby Discharged
from the same.

   Whome it may   		Depce. C. R.
   Concern			Given under my hand the Day and
Depreciation Certificate issued Date above written
  the 5th Decem. 1783.  			Jacob Bunner, Capt.
 	C.Richmond    			Commanding the German Regt.
		Aud. Genl.

   Personally appeared before me, William Adcock Esq., one of the
Justices for the City and County of Philadelphia, Joseph Howell, Jr., Asst.
Commissioner of Accounts, and John Phelan, Asst. to the Commissr. of
Accounts, and made solemn Oath, that the annexed Certificate and dis
charge of Charles Kees was presented by them to Jacob Bunner, late a
Captain in the German Regiment, and Acknowledged by him, the said
Jacob Bunner, to be his Signature, and they do further swear, that the
said Jacob Bunner did acknowledge to have signed nearly all the dis
charges that were given to the Soldiers of said Regiment, which dis
charges were given them on, or about, the time that is expressed in the

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Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 271   View pdf image (33K)
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