Enquiry to be made amongst the severall nations of Indians
for the murderers, and that none doe ramble or make any
incursions in your parts; and doe not find the Indians any
wise Inclinable to make warr but all Desirous of the continua-
tion of peace and ffriendshipp; and am sorry the present junc-
ture of affaires will not admitt me to serve you as I could
wish, and renew your particular league which I judge absolutely
necessary you give order in, and I think was promised should,
and may prevent further trouble or addresses. In the meane
time be confident you shall not be out of my thoughts, and as
farr as I have power and ability will serve you and endeavour
the peace and Quiett of all his Majties Subjects particularly
your Province, whose happiness and prosperity I rejoyce at as
our owne,and your Desires in all respects shall meete with as
ready Concurrence and accomodation as cann possibly be
expected from and is in the power of
Rt honble
Your affectionate neighbour &
Thus Superscribed viz. humble Servt
Antho: Brockholls
To the Rt honble The Lord. Baltemore Proprietor
of Maryland and the honble Councill of the same
Province at
St Maryes Present.
My Lord
In obedience to your Ldspp and Councills Commands I have
used my ffaithfull endeavour to accomplish what was com-
mitted to my charge & have brought back for your Ldsp and
Councill a Letter from Captn Anthony Brockhols Governor
under his Royall Highness of New Yorke: and the parts adja-
cent, in wch I hope your Ldsp will receive some Satisfaction,
but as to many particulars relateing to the Northern Indians I
hope I cann give your Ldsp a more ample & truer Relation
then your Ldsp has at any time lately reed: which I should now
readily have done by waiteing upon your Ldspp but in my trav-
ells lyeing out of doores both upon land and water that I have
taken a grevious cold, but at your Ldspps Commands shall
nevertheless readily obey it; The means by which I received