Chattells lands and Tenemts to the proper vse and behoofe of
the said Lord Propry his heyres & Assignes for Ever upon
condition following
That if the above bounden Philip Coomes, John Pembroke,
and John Bracher each for himself shall be and personally
appeare before his Ldspps Justices of the Provinciall Court at
the next Provinciall Court to be holden at the City of St
Maries then and there to testifye and give Evidence according
to the truth of their knowledge in behalf of the Rt honble the
Lord Propryagainst Thomas Marshall of Charles County.
Then the above Recognizance to be void and of noe effect
otherwise to stand remaine and be in full force power and
vertue in Law. Witness their severall and respective hands
and Scales to this condition the said parties severally by them-
selves binding the first day of March 1681 :
Ant. Underwood Philip Coomes (sealed)
John Llewellin mark of
John P Pembroke (sealed)
John Bracher (sealed)
George Yate according to ordr of this board makes his
appeareance but George Holland likewise appointed to be
here being prevented by sickness the said George Vate is dis-
missed from any further attendance this Court and ordered to
attend together with George Holland again the next Court.
At a Council held at the City of St Maries the fourth Day
of March Anno Dmi 1681 :
The Rt honble the Lord Propry
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
The honble William Calvert Esqr Secry
Vincent Lowe Esqr Sur Gen"
Coll Thomas Tailler
Coll William Stevens Present
Capt William Digges
Then produced by the Clk of the Councill a Letter to him
directed from Augustine Herman the reading whereof was
commanded and is as foll viz.
Mr John Llewellin
Since my last being at St Maries with his Ldsp and Councill
my Sonn has convinced me of an Error committed in my